AniSurvivor All-Stars Preseason Draft

AniSurvivor All-Stars Preseason Draft Play in new window | DownloadBuggy and Chris attempt to draft the winner from an all-star cast of BrantSteele-simulated Survivor seasons, made up of anime characters. This is undoubtedly the dumbest, most niche, most unlistenable thing we have ever done. Twitter Thread for Season 1 Twitter Thread for Season 2 Twitter Thread for Season…

The Digicast 15: The One With ChristopherWalkenIceDevimon (Frontier Part 2)

The Digicast 15: The One With ChristopherWalkenIceDevimon (Frontier Part 2) Play in new window | DownloadHey, remember when we said the Frontier train has no brakes? That may be true, but it sure does seem to have breaks! Tom, Buggy, Chris, and Maddy return to talk about the Frontier kids FINALLY defeating a major villain, Cherubimon being an incel, the stock JRPG final boss…