The Writer’s Guide to Anime: Darker than Black and “Show, Don’t Tell”

The Writer’s Guide to Anime: Darker than Black and “Show, Don’t Tell”

One piece of advice that writers are very frequently told is “show, don’t tell.” Inexperienced writers have a tendency to explicitly tell a reader information, which at best makes a read feel dry and at worst can feel condescending. They are instead often encouraged to show that information instead, or convey the information without flat-out…

Dropped! Spring 2016 Week 1

Dropped! Spring 2016 Week 1

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Dropped! This week we’ve started actually watching shows. We’ll be dropping some of them just as quickly. If you want to see how off our preseason predictions were, feel free. Anyway, this will cover everything that aired from April 1st through April 7th, excluding a few shows that were…

Dropped! Spring 2016 Preseason

Dropped! Spring 2016 Preseason

Buggy: Hello, readers, and welcome to “Dropped!” With me is my good friend Chris, who will be joining me on a weekly journey through the Spring 2016 anime season as we figure out which shows are worth sticking with and which ones…aren’t. Chris: Hello everyone. I just want to see that I am excited to…

The Writer’s Guide to Anime: One Piece and Structuring Long-running Stories

The Writer’s Guide to Anime: One Piece and Structuring Long-running Stories

One Piece is perhaps the most well-regarded of the “Big Three,” the three most popular and longest-running Shōnen Jump weekly manga. These three are known largely for their impressive length. At the time of this writing, Naruto has recently ended with 700 chapters, Bleach is in the mid-600’s, and One Piece has just passed the…

It Bugs Me: Phantom World Episode 8

It Bugs Me: Phantom World Episode 8

Thought I was done with these, huh? After the first four episodes, there wasn’t a lot to talk about in Phantom World. I’d covered the setup and worldbuilding, I covered the lazy writing, I covered the characters by not covering them because there’s nothing there, but after that initial surge of terrible, there wasn’t a…

It Bugs Me: Phantom World Episode 4

It Bugs Me: Phantom World Episode 4

Sometimes you set out to mock a terrible show on an episode-by-episode basis and end up getting an episode that’s not actually terrible. You find yourself faced with a decision: mock the show in a more condensed way, or spare yourself the effort of the write-up by skipping a week and simply apologizing for not…